In Moscow will appear parking on the water. Water car park will be designed for 120 cars. Construction of a special concrete pontoon will be finished in 2011.
The parking will be located at Vorob'evy gory, more precisely, at the Vorobiev embankment. New parking will operate all year round. In addition to parking several cafes will be built on its territory. It is expected that water parking will receive energy in standalone mode.
The total capacity of the parking will be 100-120 cars. The length of the floating car park is approximately 70 meters, width is 15 meters.
The cost of the unique project will be about 115 million rubles.
At present, Moscow, like any other metropolis, has serious shortage of parking spaces. Authorities try to use every opportunity to build parkings in the capital. For example, in Moscow has recently begun to equip parkings not only on the roadway, but also on the sidewalks. In particular, such variants of parking can be found today on the Leningrad prospectus.
In some cases, Moscow architects offer unique ways to deal with parking problem. One of such methods will be an underwater parking. Deputy Chief Architect of Moscow, Mikhail Posokhin, proposed to create an underwater parking under the drainage channel in Moscow. In addition, creation of underwater parkings is planned on Moskovoretskaya, Prechistenskaya and Taras Shevchenko embankments, reports RIA Novosti.
Moscow tries to actively manage its water resources. Thus, earlier the portal reported about the intention of the city authorities to use obsolete river fleet for the development of the hotel industry in Moscow. On the decommissioned vessels were planned to create a network of boatels - hotels on the water, which have long operate in such European capitals as Amsterdam and Prague.
Ilya Kalachev
Photo: Vitaliy Naidyon
Date: 10/09/2011
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