Despite the fact that abnormal heat and drought in the Moscow region long ago gave way to harsh snowy winters, peatbogs here continue to burn, creating additional discomfort for local authorities.
Despite the statement made by the Moscow authorities in November 2010 that the natural fires were completely extinguished the situation in the Moscow region remains very tense. Forest fires extinguished on the surface moved into the interior of the earth to a depth of 4 meters, where for many months peat still continues to burn. Because of smouldering and inflammation of peat there are currently up to 70 zones of the Moscow region are located in the fire-hazardous area that covers more than 65,000 hectares.
The most difficult situation is in Lukhovitsk area, near the villages of Olshany and Mokhovaya, where are currently located more than a dozen of peat fires. Because of the danger of repeating the summer situation of forest fires in the region is set 24h duty of firemen teams.
At the moment, the Russian government has allocated about 300 million rubles for irrigation works and construction of waterworks in the area of peatbogs. According to the information provided by the Deputy Prime Minister of the Moscow region Nicolay Pischev in total will be spent up to 4 billion rubles. Also, according to Mr. Pischev spring floods will also have a positive effect on extinguishing of small peat fires.
International non-government organization Wetlands International proposed Moscow authorities financial assistance amounted to EUR 5 million, as well as technical assistance in the implementation of irrigation projects, prevention and liquidation of fires in the region.
Date: 21/02/2011
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